Ayurvedic practitioner, therapist and yoga teacher Kate Smith Jamison helps you to live in harmony with who you are with the aim of navigating life with grace and wisdom.


Kate believes that yoga and Ayurveda can help you connect with the wisdom of nature around you and within you with the aim of helping you feel more inner empowerment, less reliance on external factors and more in tune with the rhythm of your life.


Kate specialises in helping support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health particularly in navigating major life change.  Changes ranging from career and fertility journeys, to the tenderness and challenges in the changing nature of your relationships with the people in your life, including – and most importantly – the relationship you have with yourself.  


Kate draws upon her studies, practices and personal life experience to help serve you.  In 2014 she left a fun but intense 14-year career at Goldman Sachs to create The Yoga & Ayurveda Clinic.  She now offers the very lifestyle practices that supported her through this and other life change and this practical and mystical wisdom continues to be her guiding light in raising her 3 young boys with her husband Robert.


Kate studied her Ayurveda diplomas with Dr Deepa Apte at Ayurveda Pura Academy in London.   She has also studied with Dr Vasant Lad and is currently in the middle of a Vedic Counselling course with Dr David Frawley.


Kate has practiced yoga since 2000.  Her yoga teacher training studies began with Mark Whitwell in 2009 and continued in the Krishnamacharya vinyasa krama yoga lineage with Steve Brandon and his teacher Srivatsa Ramaswami. Kate is also a Prana Flow vinyasa teacher studying with its founder Shiva Rea and her lineage pathways of yoga and Tantra since 2015 and hosting yoga retreats with Shiva in Ireland. 


Ways to work with Kate


You can work with Kate 1-2-1 through online and in person Ayurvedic consultations offering practical support and guidance on foods, daily lifestyle habits and yoga practices that are most appropriate to help you live and navigate your life to your highest potential.


Kate offers live and online yours-for-life Yoga & Ayurveda courses and also has an On Demand Yoga practice portal with weekly classes to help support your home practice and stay in tune with the rhythm of life through the seasonal, solar and lunar cycles of the year.


Kate is a fit for you especially if you are navigating major change in your life, and also if you would like to get to know yourself better and live in rhythm with your nature.


Kate aims to help you understand your place in the universe and within nature and to be more attuned to listening to and acting upon your inner wisdom and intuition in order to live a life that lights you up.